All DC Di Candia Ruote products are produced in compliance to the international standards for wheels and brackets series.

The below table indicates the major international standards, with references to DC Di candia Ruote series designed and tested according to the specifications of each standard.

Standard n. Title DC Series to which applies
ISO 22877:2004
UNI EN 12526:2002
Vocabulary, recommended symbols and multilingual dictionary All DC series
ISO 22878:2004
UNI EN 12527:2001
Wheels and brackets, test methods and equipment All DC series
ISO 22881:2004
UNI EN 12530:2001

Wheels and brackets, wheels and brackets for manually propelled institutional equipment All DC Series

ISO 22883:2004
UNI EN 12532:2001

Wheels and brackets, wheels and brackets for applications up to 1.1 m/s All DC series
DC Di Candia Ruote also guarantee that :  
- The catalogue products are all compliant with the European Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) specifications; DC Di candia Ruote is committed to maintain the product conformity, even after the upgrading of Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS 2).
- The products are compliant to regulation 1907/96/EC (REACH) and, together with our suppliers, we commit to work in respect of any eventual upgrade.
- A wide range of products is compatible for each category regulated by the ZEK 01-08 document issued by the Central Experience Exchange Committee, with regard to the PAH contents (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)